[[MatsuLab. Lecture Note]]
* 大規模計算論 High Performance Computing [#g6337a39]
** OCW [#ee734883]
- [[H30年度 | 大規模計算論 - TOKYO TECH OCW>http://www.ocw.titech.ac.jp/index.php?module=General&action=T0300&GakubuCD=4&GakkaCD=342222&KeiCD=22&course=22&KougiCD=201804057&Nendo=2018&lang=JA&vid=03]]

** Date & Room [#d094137f]
- December 5 (Wed) (Orientation)
-- Period 3-4 (10:45-12:15), 5-6 (13:20-14:50) @ H116
- December 18 (Tue)
-- Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15), 5-8 (13:20-16:35) @ S518
- December 19 (Wed)
-- Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15) @ S518
- December 20 (Thu)
-- Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15), 5-8 (13:20-16:35) @ H117
- January 7 (Mon) (Extra time slot)
-- Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15) @ W832
- %% January 7 (Mon) (Extra time slot) %%
-- %% Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15) @ W832 %%

** Contact [#s2281ad2]
|松岡特任教授 (Prof. S.Matsuoka) | matsu [at] is.titech.ac.jp |
|TA 大山 (Y.Oyama)         | oyama.[The first character of the first name in lower case].aa [at] m.titech.ac.jp |
&color(red,white){メーリングリストに追加しますので、至急TAまでメールを送ってください。Please email to Oyama (TA) as soon as possible  in order to add you to the mailing list.};
// &color(red,white){メーリングリストに追加しますので、至急TAまでメールを送ってください。Please email to Oyama (TA) as soon as possible  in order to add you to the mailing list.};

**目次 [#j532edb8]

**授業概要と参考資料 Guidance and References [#ha180204]

**発表スケジュール Schedule [#n9a6672a]
// &color(red,white){暫定的な割り当ては以下の通りですが、都合が悪い場合はTAまで希望日をメールしてください。};
|12/05||&ref(hpc2017/GTC2016_RNN_Performance.pptx,,,RNN,);, &ref(hpc2017/pascal-DL.pptx,,,DL);||
|12/18|Yashima|&ref(yashima.pdf);|[[A Bayesian Perspective on Generalization and Stochastic Gradient Descent>https://openreview.net/forum?id=BJij4yg0Z&noteId=BJij4yg0Z]]|
|12/19|Tsuchikawa|&ref(tsuchikawa.pdf);|[[Deep learning at 15PF: supervised and semi-supervised classification for scientific data>https://doi.org/10.1145/3126908.3126916]]|
|12/19|Lingqi|&ref(linqi.pdf);|[[Optimizing Memory Efficiency for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on GPUs>https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2016.53]]|
|12/20|Ryan|&ref(barton.pdf);|[[Training distributed deep recurrent neural networks with mixed precision on GPU clusters>https://doi.org/10.1145/3146347.3146358]]|
|12/20|Mateusz|&ref(mateusz.pdf);|[[CosmoFlow: using deep learning to learn the universe at scale>https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3291743]]|
|TBD|Chen|TBD|[[Efficient Sparse-Winograd Convolutional Neural Networks>https://openreview.net/forum?id=HJzgZ3JCW]]|

** 論文リスト Papers List [#xf8bcff6]
- [[論文リスト>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zdfogaNdAY9fej-8rv76UU_Ip09-EDDo7sTfMiTMiMI]]

//**期末レポート Report
//- &color(red,white){期限 Due date: TBA};
//- Summarize the general topic covering and including ALL THREE PAPERS regarding the state of the art in HPC and Big Data convergence.
//- It should be 10 pages in [[IEEE conference paper format>http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html]]
//- Please submit it to TA by email &color(red,white){(NOT mailing list)};

**リンク Links [#tdc564e8]
-[[ACM/IEEE Supercomputing>http://www.supercomp.org]]
-[[IEEE IPDPS>http://www.ipdps.org]]
-[[IEEE HPDC>http://www.hpdc.org/]]
-[[ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS)>http://www.ics-conference.org/]]
-[[IEEE Cluster Computing>http://www.clustercomp.org/]]
-[[IEEE/ACM Grid Computing>http://www.gridcomputing.org/]]
-[[IEEE/ACM CCGrid>http://www.buyya.com/ccgrid/]]
-[[IEEE Big Data>http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2015/]]
-[[Google Scholar>http://scholar.google.com]]
-[[Windows Live Academic>http://academic.live.com]]
-[[The ACM Degital Library>http://dl.acm.org/]]

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