[[MatsuLab. Lecture Note]]

*ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング [#o80fd81e]
:日時|月曜日 10:45〜12:15(3,4限)
:場所|西8号館 832号室
|松岡教授 (Prof. S.Matsuoka) | matsu あっと is.|
|TA 白幡 (K.Shirahata)         |koichi-s あっと matsulab.is. |

**目次 [#md78a9e0]

**休講予定日 Lecture Cancelled [#b82cd1c1]
11/18, 12/2, 12/16

**発表スケジュール Schedule [#af59e00b]
|第1回|10/21 |金刺|&ref("hpc2013_Kanezashi_131021_1.pdf");|&ref("Mizan.pdf");|
|第2回|10/28 |Pak|&ref("Virtual Machine in HPC.pptx");|&ref("Performance Overhead among Three Hypervisors- An Experimental Study Using Hadoop Benchmarks.pdf"); &br; &ref("Evaluation of virtual machine scalability on distributed multi-many-core processors for big data analytics.pdf");|
|第3回|11/6 (Wed.)  |高嵜|&ref("hpc2013-takasaki.pdf");|&ref("On Distributed File Tree Walk of Parallel File Systems.pdf");|
|第4回|11/11 |高嵜|||
||11/18 | **休講 Cancelled ** |||
|第5回|11/25 |徐|||
|第6回|12/2 | **休講 Cancelled ** |||
|第7回|12/9  |小林|||
||12/16 | **休講 Cancelled ** |||
|第8回|12/23 (天皇誕生日 holiday) |谷津|||
|第9回|1/6 ||||
|第10回|1/16 (Thu.) ||||
|第11回|1/20 ||||
|第12回|1/27 ||||

** 禁止リスト Inhibited List [#k39c0281]
-"Mizan: A System for Dynamic Load Balancing in Large-scale Graph Processing"
-"Breaking the speed and scalability Barriers for Graph exploration on distributed-memory machines"
-"Parallel breadth-first search on distributed memory systems"
-"Evaluation of Virtual Machine Scalability on Distributed Multi/Many-core Processors for Big Data Analytics"
-"Cooperative VM migration for a virtualized HPC cluster with VMM-bypass I/O devices"
-"Performance Overhead among Three Hypervisors: An Experimental Study Using Hadoop Benchmarks"
-"Comparative Performance Analysis of a Big Data NORA Problem on a Variety of Architectures"
-"Mastiff: A MapReduce-based System for Time-Based Big Data Analytics"
-"On Distributed File Tree Walk of Parallel File Systems"
-"Starfish: A Selftuning System for Big Data Analytics"
-"IBM Streams Processing Language: Analyzing Big Data in motion"
-"Techniques for Graph Analytics on Big Data"
-"Application Data Prefetching on the IBM Blue Gene/Q Supercomputer"
-"Mapping Applications with Collectives over Sub-communicators on
Torus Networks"
-"Hystor: Making the Best Use of Solid State Drives in High
Performance Storage Systems"

**リンク Links [#j92bb2a3]
-[[ACM/IEEE Supercomputing>http://www.supercomp.org]]
-[[IEEE IPDPS>http://www.ipdps.org]]
-[[IEEE HPDC>http://www.hpdc.org/]]
-[[ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS)>http://www.ics-conference.org/]]
-[[IEEE Cluster Computing>http://www.clustercomp.org/]]
-[[IEEE/ACM Grid Computing>http://www.gridcomputing.org/]]
-[[IEEE/ACM CCGrid>http://www.buyya.com/ccgrid/]]
-[[IEEE Big Data>http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2013/]]
-[[Google Scholar>http://scholar.google.com]]
-[[Windows Live Academic>http://academic.live.com]]
-[[The ACM Degital Library>http://portal.acm.org/portal.cfm?coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=38583716&CFTOKEN=29210274]]

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