MatsuLab. Lecture Note

大規模計算論 High Performance Computing


Date & Room

  • December 5 (Wed) (Orientation)
    • Period 3-4 (10:45-12:15), 5-6 (13:20-14:50) @ H116
  • December 18 (Tue)
    • Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15), 5-8 (13:20-16:35) @ S518
  • December 19 (Wed)
    • Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15) @ S518
  • December 20 (Thu)
    • Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15), 5-8 (13:20-16:35) @ H117
  • January 7 (Mon) (Extra time slot)
    • Period 1-4 (9:00-12:15) @ W832


松岡特任教授 (Prof. S.Matsuoka)matsu [at]
TA 大山 (Y.Oyama)oyama.[The first character of the first name in lower case].aa [at]


授業概要と参考資料 Guidance and References

発表スケジュール Schedule

論文リスト Papers List

リンク Links

添付ファイル: filemateusz.pdf 1187件 [詳細] filebarton.pdf 996件 [詳細] filelinqi.pdf 1304件 [詳細] filetsuchikawa.pdf 1138件 [詳細] fileyashima.pdf 1230件 [詳細] filehpc2018_guidance_slides.pdf 753件 [詳細] filehpc2018_guidance.pdf 746件 [詳細]

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Last-modified: 2018-12-20 (木) 15:52:08 (2046d)