MatsuLab. Lecture Note


月曜日 10:45〜12:15(3,4限)
西8号館 832号室
松岡教授 (Prof. S.Matsuoka) matsu あっと is.
TA 福田 (K.Fukuda)fukuda あっと


休講予定日 Lecture Cancelled


発表スケジュール Schedule

第1回10/22河村filegrid12_kawamura.pptxfile2011 - CudaDMA - Bauer, Cook, Khailany.pdf
第2回10/29岩渕fileGrid_Iwabuchi.pdffile2012 - A GPU implementation of inclusion-based points-to analysis.pdf
第3回11/5小島file2012_grid_kojima.pdffile2012 - gpuDCI Exploiting GPUs in Frequent Itemset Mining.pdf
11/12**休講 Cancelled **
11/19**休講 Cancelled **
第4回11/26file2012_grid_ xu.pdffile2011 - Efficient Parallel Graph Exploration on Multi-Core CPU and GPU.pdf
第5回12/3**休講 Cancelled **
第6回12/10石原filegrid12_ishihara.pdffile2010 - Size Matters Space Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU Applications Performance.pdf
第8回1/7**休講 Cancelled **

禁止リスト Inhibited List

  • "CudaDMA- Optimizing GPU Memory Bandwidth via Warp Specialization"
  • "Automatic Resource Scheduling with Latency Hiding for Parallel Stencil Applications on GPGPU Clusters"
  • "Scheduling Concurrent Applications on a Cluster of CPU-GPU Nodes"
  • "Highly scalable graph search for the Graph500 benchmark"
  • "Scalable Graph Exploration on Multicore Processors"
  • "Mars: a MapReduce? framework on graphics processors"
  • "Accelerating CUDA graph algorithms at maximum warp"
  • "A GPU implementation of inclusion-based points-to analysis"
  • "Scalable GPU graph traversal"
  • "gpuDCI: Exploiting GPUs in Frequent Itemset Mining"
  • "A Domain-Specific Approach To Heterogeneous Parallelism"
  • "Large-scale Deep Unsupervised Learning using Graphics Processors"
  • "Efficient Parallel Graph Exploration on Multi-Core CPU and GPU"
  • "Fast Community Detection Algorithm With GPUs and Multicore Architectures"
  • "Computing Strongly Connected Components in Parallel on CUDA"
  • "Accelerating error correction in high-throughput short-read DNA sequencing data with CUDA"
  • "Streaming Algorithms for Biological Sequence Alignment on GPUs"
  • "A tile-based parallel Viterbi algorithm for biological sequence alignment on GPU with CUDA"
  • "Size Matters: Space/Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU ApplicationsPerformance?"
  • "Exact and complete short-read alignment to microbial genomes using Graphics Processing Unit programming"
  • "A tile-based parallel Viterbi algorithm for biological sequence alignment on GPU with CUDA"
  • "Designing a Unified Programming Model for Heterogeneous Machines"
  • "A Scalable Framework for Heterogeneous GPU-Based Clusters"
  • "FLAT: A GPU Programming Framework to Provide Embedded MPI"

リンク Links

添付ファイル: file2010 - Size Matters Space Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU Applications Performance.pdf 2063件 [詳細] filegrid12_kawamura.pptx 2135件 [詳細] file2012_grid_ xu.pdf 1843件 [詳細] fileGrid_Iwabuchi.pdf 1883件 [詳細] file2011 - Efficient Parallel Graph Exploration on Multi-Core CPU and GPU.pdf 2143件 [詳細] file2012_grid_kojima.pdf 1757件 [詳細] file2011 - CudaDMA - Bauer, Cook, Khailany.pdf 2041件 [詳細] file2012 - gpuDCI Exploiting GPUs in Frequent Itemset Mining.pdf 1855件 [詳細] filegrid12_ishihara.pdf 1914件 [詳細] file2012 - A GPU implementation of inclusion-based points-to analysis.pdf 1841件 [詳細]

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Last-modified: 2018-05-29 (火) 19:12:57 (2250d)